Deposit Takers Non-Core Standards

Closes 22 Nov 2024

Opened 21 Aug 2024


This consultation paper outlines our policy proposals for 9 non-core Deposit Taker Standards that set some of the minimum requirements that deposit takers must comply with.

The non-core standards are the next in the series of standards following the May 2024 consultation on the four core standards.

Read the consultation paper

Deposit Takers Non-Core Standards consultation paper (PDF, 3MB)

How to have your say

  • You can have your say using the online consultation survey. Choose to either complete the survey or upload a PDF of your submission. 
  • If you choose to complete the survey, a list of the questions from the consultation paper are listed on the page for each standard.
  • You can save and come back to your response at any time before the consultation close date.
  • Once you have submitted your response, a copy of your submission will be emailed to the contact email address provided.